If it were easier to live in the wild and off the land, then a) more people would do it, and b) there wouldn’t be much to the game.

However, doing that would also miss the point of the game entirely: it’s supposed to be an ultra-tough survival game. In other words, if I were to judge The Long Dark solely by my own experience, I’d probably be extraordinarily negative. I’m not what you’d call an outdoorsy person, so adhering to basic rules of survival like “boil water to get rid of bacteria” and “gather enough wood to keep your fire going all night” aren’t exactly second nature to me. The only difference between me on Day 1 of the game and me in the following days was that I just found more inventive ways to die. I’d like to say that I got better the more that I played, but that would be a lie.

If memory serves me correctly, I froze to death, I died of exposure to the cold, I accidentally set myself on fire, I died from an blood loss, and I fell off a cliff - and, in some cases, I did those things on multiple occasions.

In my first half-hour or so playing the game, I’d conservatively estimate that I died about a dozen times. On the one hand, I was atrociously bad at it. I’m having a really hard time figuring out what I thought of The Long Dark.